News list for " Regulatory Authority"

South Korean regulators will implement new measures to prevent violent price fluctuations after cryptocurrencies are listed on exchanges

South Korea's Financial Services Supervisory Authority (FSS) plans to implement new measures aimed at preventing wild price swings of cryptocurrencies after they are listed on exchanges. The decision was made after observing significant price swings for the Movement (MOVE) token, which went live in December. South Korea's Financial Services Supervisory Authority (FSS), in collaboration with crypto exchanges, the Digital Asset Exchange Alliance (DAXA), and outside experts, has set up a special pr...

2025-02-07 03:39:40
Stuttgart Digital Exchange Receives MiCAR Cryptocurrency License

The Stuttgart Digital Exchange says Germany's Federal Financial Supervisory Authority has granted it a Crypto Asset Service Provider (CASP) license under the MiCA regulation, which comes into effect at the end of 2024. It is the first German company to be granted a license that allows it to operate throughout the European Union.

2025-01-17 12:23:16
Bank of England regulator requires companies to disclose cryptocurrency risk exposure

The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), the regulator of the Bank of England, has given companies until March next year to disclose current or future cryptocurrency risk exposures so that it can monitor stability and help shape policy. "This will inform the work of the PRA and the Bank of England on crypto assets by helping us adjust our prudential treatment of crypto asset risk exposures, [and] analysing the relative costs and benefits of different policy options," the PRA said.

2024-12-13 06:01:59
South Africa's FSCA has yet to reinstate the South African exchange's Banxso license

The South African Financial Conduct Authority (FSCA) has announced that, although the West Gap Branch High Court has revoked the funds preservation order against the South African exchange Banxso (Pty) Ltd, Banxso's Financial Services Provider (FSP) license is still revoked, and the company cannot conduct financial services business, and its funds can only be used to relocate customers to other financial services providers authorized by the FSCA. The Banxso-related case is tentatively scheduled ...

2024-11-12 08:01:44
Poland's Financial Supervisory Authority issues public warning to

The Polish Financial Supervisory Authority (KNF) has issued a public warning to Foris DAX MT, a Malta-based company operating under the brand, for allegedly conducting unauthorized financial activities in Poland. The KNF warning is not a ban, but rather a reminder to Polish investors to consider the latent risks associated with the platform. A spokesperson for the said the team "has been informed of the latest news from KNF Poland and is working closely with our lawyers to ...

2024-11-07 12:58:28
Dubai Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority: If the business is suitable, it is willing to consider interoperability with Hong Kong

According to Hong Kong media Ming Pao, Deepa Raja Carbon, managing director and vice chairperson of the Dubai Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority (VARA), said that after the turmoil in the virtual asset industry, people prefer to have clear regulations, which is why international exchanges come to Dubai to develop their business. Hong Kong and Dubai have very similar DNA, and the supervision of virtual assets in various regions does not need to be consistent, but the coordination between regulato...

2024-10-28 01:55:31
South African crypto exchange Banxso has had its license suspended for misleading statements and alleged deepfake propaganda

South Africa's Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) on Wednesday suspended the financial services provider license of Banxso, a platform that offers cryptocurrency trading, citing concerns that its marketing practices promised customers unrealistic returns. It follows allegations that Banxso used depth fakes in its advertising campaigns and aggressive sales techniques to force customers to invest without proper threat and risk assessment.

2024-10-17 03:13:21
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority: 55% of Generation Z Americans Prefer to Invest in Cryptocurrencies

According to a survey by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 55% of Gen Z in the United States prefer to invest in cryptocurrencies. Gen Z prefers on-chain rather than online finance. It believes that digital banking platforms are unwieldy and opaque. Gen Z prefers to manage their finances on-chain through decentralized financial applications and digital dollar stablecoins. It is reported that Generation Z refers to the generation of people born between 1997 and 2012 who are now...

2024-09-14 07:34:28
The UK's ambition to become a cryptocurrency hub has been thwarted by regulatory hurdles

Cryptocurrency companies have withdrawn their applications due to the cumbersome and time-consuming regulatory process of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). In the past three years, 186 companies have withdrawn their applications to register in the UK, reflecting dissatisfaction with the regulatory environment in the UK. According to Reed Smith data, from May 2023 to April 2024, the FCA received only 29 applications for registration, a significant decrease from the figures of the previo...

2024-08-30 22:29:07
Germany's BaFin cracks down on illegal cryptocurrency ATMs, seizing 13 machines

The German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), in conjunction with the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Bundesbank, seized 13 cryptocurrency ATMs in 35 locations on August 20 for failing to register in accordance with Article 32 of the Banking Act and for allegedly illegally converting euros into cryptocurrencies. BaFin said these illegally installed ATMs could become hotbeds for criminal activity by failing to perform "know your customer" (KYC) procedures. The number of crypt...

2024-08-20 22:39:00
Peru issues VASP regulations to strengthen anti-money laundering/terrorist financing requirements

Peru's Banking and Insurance Supervisory Authority (SBS) has issued a resolution requiring virtual asset service providers (VASPs) to implement "know your customer" (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) measures as part of their compliance programs. The resolution is in line with FATF recommendations aimed at controlling and preventing criminals from using these platforms for illicit purposes.

2024-08-10 21:54:03
UK FCA issues new guidance to ensure cryptocurrency promotion compliance

The U.K.'s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued updated guidance aimed at ensuring cryptocurrency firms meet promotional compliance requirements that come into effect in October 2023.

2024-08-07 21:55:10
The UK regulator has called for information on digital wallet information

The UK Payment Systems Regulatory Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority have called for information on digital wallets.

2024-07-15 13:26:31
South African regulators are investigating 30 cases of unlicensed cryptocurrency operations

The enforcement arm of South Africa's Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) has established a team to investigate individuals or entities operating crypto financial services without proper licenses. Currently, 30 cases are under review. The FSCA aims to protect the public and maintain fairness in the industry by taking decisive action against illegal crypto businesses. The regulator will also publish its findings and issue warnings if unregistered crypto businesses are found. Ahead of classi...

2024-07-04 00:51:22
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority will abolish bitcoin wallets unless they are in custody

The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority will abolish non-custodial bitcoin wallets, citing concerns about the unregulated activities of crypto platforms, according to documents disclosed by Bitcoin News on X, stressing the need to regulate "interface providers" and mobile app developers to comply with MiCA regulations.

2024-06-27 12:34:20

7x24 Newsflash

09:57 2025-03-26
3月26日消息,IntoThe Block发文表示,昨天,交易平台净流出接近19,000枚BTC,主要受到Bitfinex平台流出21,750枚BTC推动。
09:48 2025-03-26
链上分析师Ali于X发文表示,现在有 48 个新钱包持有超过 100 个BTC,表明鲸鱼的积累量正在不断增加。
09:45 2025-03-26
Ceffu 向币安转入超 1.4 万枚以太坊,约合 2943 万美元
据链上分析师 The Data Nerd 监测,加密货币托管服务商 Ceffu 在 45 分钟前向币安转入 14,222 枚以太坊,约合 2943 万美元。
09:36 2025-03-26
09:17 2025-03-26
QCP Capital发布市场分析称,随着波动性进一步回落,风险资产继续走高。自上周短暂跌破7.7万美元以来BTC已飙升15%,而同期其他加密货币的表现普遍优于大盘。围绕美国贸易政策和更广泛政治格局的不确定性仍然是人们关注的焦点。特朗普在4月2日最后期限前暗示将采取进一步的关税措施,然而市场仍然不清楚这些潜在行动的范围、时间和规模,在此之前预计横向波动...
09:05 2025-03-26
OKX Web3 联合「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」开启门票抽奖活动
3月26日消息,「2025香港Web3嘉年华」活动临近,OKX Web3现已开启抽奖活动。完成相应任务,将有机会抽取大会门票1张。参与方式:在OKX Web3钱包寻找大会 NFT 门票购票入口并截图,携带截图与 #OKXWeb3 标签并转发相关推文。 据悉,「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」由万向区块链实验室、HashKey Group 联合主办,W3ME 承办。活动将于 2025 年 4 月 6 日至 9 日 在香港...
09:05 2025-03-26
MIM Spell:将在36小时内偿还黑客攻击损失的50%
MIM Spell 在 X 平台发文称,此前黑客攻击造成 1300 万美元损失,将在 36 小时内偿还 50%,用户资金零损失。Abracadabra 正在通过 Berachain 等平台扩展来重建系统。还款前持有的债券约为 1900 万美元流动资产。
09:02 2025-03-26
MistTrack:Circle 冻结某地址近 300 万枚 USDC
据链上分析平台 MistTrack 监测,Circle 已冻结 0xbe 开头地址持有的 2,997,180 枚 USDC。该地址同时持有 200.98 枚以太坊和 929,923 枚 USDT,且与多个币安和加密货币交易所地址有交互记录。
08:59 2025-03-26
08:41 2025-03-26
灰度:2025 年 Q2 潜力代币 Top 20 新增 IP、SYRUP 和 GEOD
3月26日消息,Grayscale Research 每个季度都会从上百种加密资产中列出排名前 20 的资产,它们代表跨加密货币领域的多元化资产,同时也代表灰度认为这些资产在未来一个季度具有很高的潜力。 2025 年 Q2,灰度将重点关注反映区块链技术在现实世界中的非投机性应用的代币,这些代币属于以下三类之一:RWA(真实世界资产)、DePIN(去中心化物理基础设施)和 IP(知识产权)的...
08:14 2025-03-26
韩国监管机构拟对 17 家境外未申报 VASP 的 Google Play 平台应用实施访问屏蔽
韩国金融情报分析院(FIU)发布公告称,自 3 月 25 日起将对 17 家未在韩国注册的海外虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)的 Google Play 平台应用实施国内访问限制,包括 KuCoin、MEXC 等,这意味着用户无法新安装相关应用,现有用户也无法更新。
08:14 2025-03-26
币安创始人赵长鹏在 X 发文表示其不会出席香港加密金融论坛。赵长鹏在宣布其会参加香港加密金融论坛的推文下表示,可能是沟通上的失误导致误会,但他不会出席该活动。